Saturday 14 September 2013

Yinka Shonibare

Yinka Shonibare is an artist from London, he uses his artistic abilities in a fashionable way through textiles and clothes making. In the above picture Shonibare has created a series of outfits that would be portrayed as men's suits, in a brightly coloured material with a number of different patterns on. He created this to make it look like there are people actually wearing the clothes however, they are just dummies holding up the outfit. I think this is a clever way of displaying his artwork as from a glance the observer would expect real people to be sat there instead of dummies.

I like the mask that is displayed in this picture as it has a unusual look to it that you wouldn't expect to be in any shops.
The fox below has been dressed to look like a human being which reminds me of the fox in the Beatrix potter stories. The orange colour of the coat is a daring bright colour, this can relate to the gun that is in the foxes hand as this too is dangerous.


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