Saturday 14 September 2013

Unique ways of working

Joe Hill

Optical illusions and 3d art images create amazing effects for unusual interior design. This way of working changes perspectives, bringing in breath-taking illusions into modern floor painting and decorating. Joe Hill is an artist that uses this technique and below is some of his work.

I find this way of working to be very intriguing as it creates an optical illusion tricking the eye. This can be effective in many different ways, as the artist is able to manipulate the audience making them feel how they want them to. An example of this is the image below that if they walked on the floor they would feel as though they are going to fall into the room below, creating panic.

I have seen a number of street artists that use spray paint to create their work but this is a new way of working that no matter who the audience is, any passer by would want to stop to take a look at the art.

Kumi Yamashita

Kumi Yamashita used number shapes, placing them in front of light casting a shadow onto the surrounding area, usually mounted on the wall. The usual shadows are in the shape of humans however there is one that is shown below that is of a cat. This way of working seems almost ghost like, as though its a trick of the light that catches your eye. It also seems as though the silhouette will suddenly vanish and the shapes will blow away in the breeze.


A further way of working by Yamashita was the use of paper origami to cast shadows. Again the shadows made are silhouettes of people. As I have a personal interest in origami I find this fascinating and putting two ways of creating art together to make one piece. All the different kinds of coloured paper may symbolise the different races and personalities of people in the world.

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