Saturday 14 September 2013

Hew Locke

Hew Locke creates interesting pieces of figures made out of chains, dolls and flowers. These specific pieces of art are called the Kingdom of the Blind and was created to represent the rise in power of an imagined leader. Locke's intention was to leave the observer with a sense of unease yet fascination.

I visited the Graves Gallery at Sheffield and took the above pictures of Hew Locke's work. I found them particularly interesting in person compared to in a photograph, due to them being life-size. They looked almost lifelike as if they were going to come alive, with the intense stare of the flower eyes.
This piece of work reminds me of soldiers riding on horses and all the chains to me seem like they are symbolising the weight of the battle they may be going to fight. I like all the different colour beads as they make the piece more attractive to look at rather than just a soldier on its own.

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