Saturday 14 September 2013

Walking techniques used by artists

Janine Antoni

Janine Antoni practiced tightrope walking for an hour a day until she was able to walk the line of the horizon just in front of the house she grew up in. In Migration, Antoni and Paul Ramirez Jonas walked along the beach, taking turns following in one another's footsteps, and fitting neatly within and replacing one another’s marks. I like this way of recording thoughts and feelings, by including herself in the picture and creating it to fulfil a dream of hers. It is very creative way of working and tightrope walking is a hard thing to do so it shows she put herself out to create this.

Richard Long

Richard Long creates his mark on the environment by using his own body to do so. He walked across a field to create a perfect line in the below picture. It is said that Long remixes natural elements to make simple statements by using his body in the landscape.

Richard Long states:
“Thus walking—as art—provided a simple way for me to explore relationships between time, distance, geography and measurement. These walks are recorded in my work in the most appropriate way for each different idea: a photograph, a map, or a text work. All these forms feed the imagination.” − Richard Long
Long also brings natural materials into galleries setting it in exact and deliberate arrangements.

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