Saturday 14 September 2013

Fiona Rae


Fiona Rae
Lora Zombie  

The thing I like most about Rae's work in this piece is the subtle contrast between the colours. The purple and black colours blend well together, this to the observer, creates a certain mood. For example, in this piece it gives me a sense of sadness and darkness as the drips on the page look as though someone has spilt their tears onto the piece and it has smudged the artwork. This piece in particular reminds me of Laura Zombie's work due to the dripping of the paint and the panda image at the top of the piece. This is because a few of Zombie's paintings were of a pandas.

In this piece I like all the different colours that are used, again there are paint splatters used in the background, and are used in an orange colour to make them stand out. This covers the background of brown, which without the foreground would be overlooked as being boring. In this piece there is a lot going on and could be seen as chaotic, personally I don't usually like this in a piece but Rae makes it work in her favour.


Unlike the other pieces I think this one is too simplistic and there is a lot of empty space in the middle. I also think the black blot ruins the sense of the piece making it the focal point, this moves the rest of the piece into the background which could easily be overlooked.

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